Minor Surgeries – Cysts, Lumps, Bumps, Moles & Skin Tags

Lumps & Bumps Removals
We are able to remove benign lesions including; skin tags, moles, cysts, warts, lipomas (fatty lumps).

Lesions Removal
Depending on the location and size of the lump the procedure may be carried out in the out-patient department or operating theatre. Minor surgery is usually carried out using local anesthetic but larger lumps may require a general anesthetic.

How Long Does the Procedure Take and What is Involved?
Most minor surgery takes around 30 minutes. Where local anesthetic is to be used this is injected around the area. This may sting initially but soon wears off and the area becomes numb. During the procedure you may feel some pressure but no pain. If you do feel pain then you must say so immediately and more local anesthetic can be given. Once the lump is removed the area will be closed either with a few stitches or a glue dressing closure or both.

When Can I return to Normal Activities?
Usually you may return to normal activities straight away. Once the local anaesthetic wears off, after a couple of hours, the incision area may be a little sore or uncomfortable. It is possible to take mild painkillers to help the soreness. It is preferable to avoid getting the stitches and dressings wet until the wound has healed and the stitches have gone. You will be advised if the stitches will need to be removed or if they are self-dissolvable. We provide the best techniques and skincare products to minimize scarring.

How Will the Area Look after Surgery?

There is always an incisional scar after any surgery. This should fade with time. The lump or lesion will have been removed.